Annual Lecture

This event usually takes place in late April or early May.  The Annual Lecture is typically delivered by a Judge on a topical area of law.  It is followed by a drinks reception for those attending.

The 2019 Annual Lecture "Fraud on a Power" was given by Lord Sales on Tuesday 2 April 2019.  To read the text of the lecture, please click here.

The 2018 Annual Lecture "Preserving the Integrity of the Common Law" was given by The Chancellor, Sir Geoffrey Vos on Monday 16 April 2018.  To read the text of the lecture, please click here.

The 2017 Annual Lecture "Akers v Samba: Equity's Darling Reigns Supreme" was given by Lord Justice Michael Briggs on Wednesday 5th April 2017.  To read the text of the lecture, please click here.

The 2016 Annual Lecture "Fairness, abuse of right and the limits of the Common Law" was given by Lord Justice David Richards on Wednesday 13 May 2015 in the Great Hall, Lincoln's Inn.

The 2015 Annual Lecture "Metaphor and Legal Reasoning" was given by Lord Justice Lewison on Wednesday 6 May 2015 in the Great Hall, Lincoln's Inn. To read the text of the lecture, please click here.

The 2014 Lecture "The Legitimacy of Proprietary Relief" was given by The Chancellor, Sir Terence Etherton.  To read the text of this lecture, please click here.