How the Scheme Works

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a one-to-one non-judgmental relationship in which one individual (the Mentor) voluntarily gives of his or her time to support, advise or encourage another (the Mentee).

Our hope for the Mentoring Scheme is that members of the Chancery Bar Association of all seniorities practising at the Chancery Bar will volunteer to act as Mentors to others and that, in this way, we will create a support and advice network for the practitioners at the Chancery Bar.  Mentors in similar schemes implemented elsewhere have spoken of the satisfaction that they receive in giving something back to others in the profession.

The Scheme

It is not intended that the Scheme will operate on a needs-specific basis.  It is hoped that members will apply to become part of the Scheme and to form a relationship with a Mentor which will be of value to both of them over a period of time.

There may, however, be Mentors who will be able to give assistance in a one-off situation on application.  When that arises, every endeavour will be made to put Mentees in touch with Mentors who may have already faced these situations and can advise from experience.

Members of the ChBA may wish both to be Mentors themselves and to have a Mentor of their own.  Younger Mentees will be strongly encouraged to become Mentors themselves in time.

How do I become a Mentor?

The ChBA is looking for practitioners, at all levels of seniority, who would be prepared to act as a Mentor to another member, or who might be prepared to offer advice based on their own career experiences on a one-off basis.

Click here to apply to be a Mentor

How do I become a Mentee?

If you would like to have a Mentor, you need to complete a short form, the Mentee Form.  This gives details of your professional background and provides an opportunity to identify any particular issues that you seek to address through the Scheme.

Click here to apply as a Mentee

The Matching Process

The information on the two forms is used to match Mentors with Mentees.  The process is carried out by a small panel of ChBA members (the Matching Panel), who are currently as follows:

David E Grant KC (Chair)
Justin Higgo KC
Carly Sandbach
Tim Sherwin

If a Mentee wishes his or her form to be anonymised for the purposes of the matching process, or not disclosed to a particular member of the Matching Panel, this should be explained in the “additional information” box on the form. No reasons need be given.

The Matching Panel will identify a possible Mentor.

Our Administrator, Francesca Compton, will contact the Mentee for permission to give out the Mentee’s contact details to the named Mentor.  If the Mentee agrees, the Administrator will then provide both the Mentor and Mentee with contact details and they will be asked to make contact with each other.  If the Mentee does not agree, the Administrator will, if the Mentee wishes, refer the form back to the Matching Panel for a further Mentor to be identified.

The information on the forms is kept confidential and is held by the Chair of the Matching Panel, although Mentee Forms will be destroyed once a Mentee is matched with a Mentor if the Mentee so requests.

The forms will only be disclosed to the members of the Matching Panel for the purpose of the matching process.

What happens if it doesn’t work out?

The Mentor/Mentee relationship is purely voluntary and neither is under any obligation to continue it.  If either wishes to terminate the arrangement he or she should contact the Administrator who will arrange for the Mentee to be introduced to a new Mentor.

Who do I contact for further information?

If you would like further information about how the Scheme works, please feel free to contact:

David Grant KC at Outer Temple Chambers

Francesca Compton, Administrator, Chancery Bar Association
Tel: 07791 398254
Or email.