Junior Chancery Bar
The Junior Chancery Bar is the division of the Chancery Bar Association for barristers of ten years call and under. Its objectives are to represent the interests of the more junior members of the Association, to support their professional development and wellbeing, and to provide a social and networking forum.
The main functions of the Junior Chancery Bar are:
Representation: We represent the interests of Chancery practitioners under ten years call, both within the Association and in response to external consultations.
Professional Development: We run a marshalling programme in the High Court. More information about this scheme and the instructions for applications can be found here. We also run events that allow members to meet the judges. We have created a database of professional development opportunities. We work closely with other parts of the Association, including the New Practitioners’ Programme, the mentoring programme, CLIPS and PILARS (and other pro bono initiatives), and the Equality and Diversity Sub-committee.
Networking: We are strengthening links with the Specialist Bar Associations and other professional bodies, and hold joint events to give our members networking opportunities.
Social and Wellbeing: We organise events to enable junior Chancery barristers to socialise together in an informal setting, and to support our members’ wellbeing.
Members of the Association are always welcome to contact us with queries, suggestions and thoughts. Please email jcb@chba.org.uk.
The current members of the Junior Chancery Bar Committee are: Albert Sampson (Chair), Timothy Sherwin, Lara Kuehl, Jessica Lavelle and Rumen Cholakov.