
Main Committee

The members of the Main Committee are:

  • The Officers, being the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Treasurer, the Hon. Secretary, the Seminar Secretary, the Pro Bono Secretary and the Equality & Diversity Secretary;
  • Four barristers who are KCs;
  • Five junior barristers over 7 years’ call;
  • Three junior barristers under 7 years’ call; and
  • Up to four regional members and up to four members practising in London who are co-opted annually in order to assist with the Committee’s work.

The Committee meets once a month to decide matters of policy.  These are decided on the basis of a simple majority vote.

Click below for the membership of the Main Commitee for 2024/25.

Membership of Main Committee


The Sub-Committees of the Main Commitee are:

  • Academic Liaison, which maintains and improves contact with academic members of the ChBA and their students who may be interested in a career at the Chancery Bar and liaises with the Bar Council on a Careers Fair.
  • Annual Conference, which is responsible for the Annual ChBA Conference.
  • Consultation Responses, which is responsible for reading consultation papers issued by the Government, the Judiciary, the Bar Council, the Bar Standards Board, the Law Commission and other organisations, and then deciding whether to respond and forming working groups to do so.
  • Education & Training, which plans the year’s lectures, seminars and new practitioner programme and recruits appropriate speakers for the events.
  • Equality & Diversity, which furthers the Bar Standards Board's policies, participates in schemes run by the Inns of Court and other SBAs and creates the ChBA's own diversity and equality initiatives such as the mentoring scheme.
  • International, whose purpose is to raise the profile of the ChBA internationally and to promote the interests of members who practise abroad or who have foreign clients.
  • Mentoring, whose purpose is to match and administer the ChBA's Mentoring Scheme.
  • Pro Bono, which deals with CLIPS, and also works with the Bar Pro Bono Unit and other legal charities to advance the cause of free representation in deserving cases.
  • Publications & Website, which is responsible for the content of the ChBA website and other publications such as the Directory, the Annual Review and Careers at the Chancery Bar.
  • Wellbeing and social responsibility, which is responsible for promoting well-being and resilience at the Chancery Bar, together with social responsibility initiatives.

Click below for the membership of the Sub-Committees for 2018/2019.

Membership of Sub-Committees