Back to Basics Programme

Back to Basics is a programme of seminars designed specifically for our junior members.  It provides essential education and training for recently qualified barristers, covering the areas commonly encountered in junior chancery practice.  The seminars are typically accredited with 1.5 hours of CPD each.

Who can attend?

Back to Basics seminars are open to all members of up to 7 years’ call.  Pupils in our members’ chambers are also welcome to attend.  If you fall into either of those categories, you will not need to register in advance before attending, although you will need to sign in at the event.

How do they work?

Seminars take place around once a term on weekday evenings in London.  The sessions are typically more informal and interactive than those in our main seminar programme.  They last 1.5 hours each including time for questions and answers.  No pre-reading is required for attendees, although handouts are available at or after the event.

Seminars are run with the invaluable support of many experienced practitioners who volunteer their time to present their talks.  If you would be prepared to contribute to our programme please contact our Administrator, Francesca Compton at

Which topics are covered?

The handouts from all of our Back to Basics seminars are available to members in our online library by clicking on the link below, together with a list of past topics.

Click here for the section of the Library relating to the Back to Basics Programme.