ChBA Menopause Cafe

Menopause Café
Tuesday, 15th October 2024
5.30pm-8pm, Gatehouse Chambers

The ChBA’s 2nd menopause café will be an informal social event, open to all ages and stages. There will be no talks, no panel sessions. Instead free-flowing, confidential, participant-led discussion taking place over pizza and wine (or tea and biscuits if you prefer!), and drop-in when it suits.

The aim is to provide time and space for you to have relaxed, friendly, supportive, frank and non-judgmental conversations, to share experiences, ask questions and break down stigma and misconceptions for the benefit of those navigating, or anticipating, any stages of the menopause whilst working at and with the Bar.  If you came to the first café, come back and carry on the conversation.

Come and join us! Allies welcome. And clerks, or friends outside of the Chancery bar, are also welcome. 

For more information contact: Lyndsay de Mestre KC or Brie Stevens-Hoare KC

Registration encouraged (to help us gauge pizza levels…:)

  • When 15/10/2024, 17:30 to 20:00
  • Where Gatehouse Chambers
  • Contact name Lyndsey De Mestre KC
  • Add event to calendar iCal