Invitation for Nominations for Election 2024-25





FOR THE YEAR 2024-2025

NOMINATIONS for election are invited and must be received by the Honorary Secretary no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday 25 June 2024 for the Officers, that is the Chair, Vice-Chair, Hon. Secretary, Treasurer and the Seminar Secretary, and the following ordinary members of the Committee:

1 Junior under 7 years’ call

A nomination form can be downloaded here. Nominations must be in writing and submitted to the Honorary Secretary at Falcon Chambers or by email by clicking here.

The Rules require each nomination to be signed by the nominee and five current members of the ChBA, not including the nominee.

In the event of a secret ballot being required, notice is given that election statements will be required by 9am on Friday 29th June 2024.

For the purposes of the 2023-24 election, and so as to comply with the Rules, the Honorary Secretary is of the view that the requirement for such signatures will be satisfied by (a) the typing by the nominee of their name by way of signature on the nomination form and (b) the creation of an email chain by the circulation of the nominee’s signed nomination form to five current members of the ChBA who each reply successively indicating that they nominate that candidate and that their email is to be treated as their signature (a suggested form of wording is set out at the end of the bulletin). Such an email chain will, when submitted on time (by email or otherwise) to the Honorary Secretary as a single document, constitute a valid nomination. For the avoidance of doubt the Honorary Secretary will also accept a nomination form duly completed by the inclusion of physical signatures and submitted on time, whether on paper or by email.

The Rules of the Chancery Bar Association are available on the Association’s website - please click here.

Janet Bignell KC, Honorary Secretary
11 June 2024

The present Officers are:            

Andrew Twigger KC (Chair)
Ian Clarke KC (Vice Chair)
Janet Bignell KC (Hon. Secretary)
Richard Dew (Hon. Treasurer)
James Pickering KC (Seminar Secretary)

The Officers must retire at the close of the Annual Meeting. All are eligible for re-election.

The present ordinary members of the Committee are:

David E Grant KC, Andrew de Mestre KC, Iain Quirk KC, Richard Wilson KC, Elis Gomer, Kavan Gunaratna, Faith Julian, Philippe Kuhn, Jessica Lavelle, Oliver Marre, Albert Sampson^, Carly Sandbach.

^Retiring committee member not standing for re-election in the same category

Please click here to download the nomination form.

Suggested form of wording for persons nominating a candidate by email:

“I, [name], a member of the ChBA nominate [name] for election to the Committee as [position] and confirm that this email is to be treated as my signature for the purposes of their nomination.”